Monday, May 31, 2010

et tu, spartacus

if you haven't seen the video yet, check it:

personally, i'm not sure what to make of it. it reminds me of some conspiracy-theory documentaries i've seen that present their theory in a way which leads you to conclude "well, shit, obviously this crazy theory you're proposing is totally true"...but, like, 3 weeks later someone shows you some contradictory evidence that leads you to totally realize that that conspiracy theory, while possibly raising some interesting questions, is mostly rubbish.

however you see it, there is one awesome, hidden cycling component that leads to awesomeness:

in case you missed the flawed but laudable Universal Sports coverage of the "Giro of Italy", Simoni chose to ride his final race--the final stage, which was an ITT--of his long-ass career with this crazy kit underneath his team skinsuit. he actually stopped after the finish line, unzipped his skinsuit to reveal this alternate kit (you could actually see the pink tie while he was racing), hopped on a special pink bike and rolled into the Coliseum in grand style.

a Hollywood moment, if ever i saw one.


DukePirate said...

My only problem with the video is that there isn't any ordering information available.

curveship said...

co2cycle said...

...not to be mistaken with the MacGruber assist.

curveship said...

nosmith said...

I believe this is what Davide Cassani used for surveillance to catch up with Michael Rasmussen in the Dolomites a couple of years back.