Tuesday, January 25, 2011

another view

the dudes at Hawley bicycle supply posted up a nice review:
they apparently liked the off-camber, the gravel, the free beer, and the heckling

and let the record show...

it is known across the land that all teams other than BCC suck. but let it also be known that Scott from Regulator Cycling was the hero of the Durham CX race. he did several domestiques' worth of work and without him, the event would have imploded. 

buy that man a beer.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Durham CX

That totally happened!

and thank you everyone!

We love Durham so much that we didn't want to have a bunch of fools from outta town fucking it up so we held the cyclocross race in Orange County. Fortunately, nothing got fucked up, and I would like to send a special shout-out to our co-sponsors, Regulator Cycling along with Kim and the magical Rufus at Orange County Speedway. Please patronize our sponsors:

Counter Culture Coffee
Janistore Inc
ColoredRubber.com, a division of Midwest Elastomers (this is true)
TriClean Professional Commercial Cleaning (fine racing Burke!)

additionally, thanks to Drew who brought the Farmhand Foods truck out (but closed before I could get a late-day pimento grilled cheese), and Fullsteam Brewery (who sold us the beer we gave away).

I was particularly excited lots of folks from the Durham cycling community who came out to cheer/heckle/get drunk, including
Dave & Leslie & others from the Durham Bike Coop
Todd from Duke Cycling
Dave from Horse and Buggy Press
the amazing Miss Kim B who says she's can't race but exerted more effort helping us tear-down at both the Wilkesboro race and our race and ran around and cheered like a maniac
Emma, who finds it appropriate to nearly flash Thor and the Garmin guys but was kind enough to keep things "PG-rated" for Durham cx
Li'l Byron who may or may not have skipped school to help us set up and who i need to be nice to because he will soon be beating me (but hopefully at least not until he's old enough to get his driver's license)
all the members of the Forest Hills Park Cycling Association

anonymous benefactors for goods and services
and many others who i may have forgotten

I'm awaiting an upload of some photos from my brother, honorary BCC member, who traveled down from up north to help us set up and to represent his title as the New Jersey state champion of cyclocross sandbagging and Jimenez Velo.

more reports coming soon with fewer inside jokes and actual picures...

Sunday, January 16, 2011


No really guys, I can't think of anything. You have in me a blank canvas. I need ideas of how dress up for the Durham CX race. Initially, I was considering painting myself gold but then I remembered that bond flick where the lady died. Then I was thinking about some kind of rainbow cape but that could get caught up in the gears...

See the dilemma! What do I do!?!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


To answer the previous post's question: Racing was hard. I didn't have the pleasure of taking on Mr. Powers in the pro race but I did manage to get crushed in the cat3. I'd attribute at least part of the soul crushing failure to the the fact that this was the first real winter cross race for me. I think it was around 28-30 degrees and my lungs closed up. At one point I was pedaling through a moderately techie section with some muddy switchbacks and heard a strange grinding/wizzing noise that I thought might be a bearing or something. Then I realized it was the sound of myself breathing and that I was probably pretty screwed. I tried to keep turning over but without ever getting a full breath it was hard to put any real power down to the pedals. It was pretty cool to watch J-Pows cruise around the course and lay a severe beat down on the best racers in North Carolina. I wouldn't say he was taking it easy or that he didn't brake a sweat but he did seam pretty in control of his faculties. As for me, I think I'm switching into fun 'cross mode rather than fast 'cross mode. Any costume ideas for the Durham race next Sat.? I'm already figuring out how to tape some beers onto my Lazer helmet, though I haven't been able to track down a shinny gold skinsuit...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i am a wimp

i had the chance to take on j-pow himself on saturday at the nc cylcocross series salisbury race. i was looking forward to adding him to the long list of cyclocross luminaries who have kicked my ass in the past. people like barry wicks, ryan trebon, brent bookwalter, adam meyerson, and countless other dudes. however, i got kinda sick at the end of the week. combining that with not riding a bike for a couple of weeks around christmas and not wanting to spend the day out in the cold, i whimped out. it was probably for the best, since i also had a lot of work to do. i guess i also missed the opportunity to see if the recently-minted cat-2, fifteen year-old byron could be added to my list of people who have kicked my ass. we'll have to wait until wilkesboro to see...

linus raced. how'd it go linus?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Perhaps like me you've enjoyed following the exploits of cyclocross racer Jeremy "JPows" Powers "Behind the Barriers" this season. I caught this trailer for the "Season Finale" and for some reason I couldn't help but think of Brian and Pirate.

"Behind The Barriers" Season Finale Teaser from Behind The Barriers on Vimeo.

Friday, January 7, 2011

BBEEFF 2011 now Benefiting Trips for Kids!!!

***UPDATE***The Breck Epic is an "epic" 6 day mountain bike stage race in Breckenridge, Colorado. The race starts August 14th and concludes August 19th. Stage Racing?? Think Tour de France....but on mountain bikes.

Why am I doing this? Because of the challenge....because of the adventure....because of the fellowship with the mountain biking community. I'm just a regular mountain biker that can't quite afford the entry fee for this on my own......and a few friends suggested I do this!! So here we are. The entry fee is $990 (which is my goal).....and it has been decided to also try to raise more money than the entry fee and donate that to Trips For Kids (a nonprofit that introduces at risk children to the outdoors through the wonderful world of mountain biking.

If you know me....you know that mountain biking has been my life for over 20 years now. 1988 I ventured out on the trails of Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville, Alabama on my brand new green Murry ATB MTB something or other. Thanks Mom and Dad.......best Christmas present ever. See what you started...

Anyways.....If you'd like to help and like to see me achieve one of the most grueling things ever......I'd appreciate any and all donations!!

Mr. Davey Boy Norris is also planning on joining me in this endevour....so hopefully together with the support of Wheat Ridge Cyclery we can raise lots of money for Trips for Kids!!!

If you wish to donate you may do so by clicking here.

And remember.....Donate early and Donate Often!!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

boozin' for a cruisin'

does exercising make you drink more alcohol?
apparently so.
when the heck are Cyclocross Trashionals, anyway?